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A Very Short Halloween Party   5 comments

Last Wednesday was Halloween.  The only thing I had to look forward to on Halloween was the all-day party that was supposed to be happening at Samurai Comics.  I put on my favorite (minimal) costume–that of Ken the Steampunk Adventurer and headed out to Samurai early Wednesday afternoon.

When I arrived the store was almost deserted.  I picked up my comics for the week, trick or treated them, and took these few pictures.

Kelbie was there, and looking very ferocious indeed.

Some strange horny guy was checking out the Magic.

I got my picture taken with this savage cat lady that I found in darkest Comica.

Then I looked around for a little while, paid for my addiction, and left.  I had hoped for dozens of pix of people in fabulous costumes, but you don’t always get what you want.

I did go east and play games with Rick Loomis and his sister Nancy and my son James for the rest of the afternoon.  James won 2 out of 3.  I lost.  I lost by wide margins.

I got back home after dark, and took a walk.  I hadn’t done any walking for the day.  My camera was still in my pocket, and I got this final Halloween shot for 2012.  It’s the Moon, almost full, and very bright.

It looks bigger in person.

Good night, Moon, and goodbye costumes for 2012!

If you’ve ever had a less than exciting Halloween, why not leave a comment, or just tell me what you did for fun this year.
