Archive for August 2014

Used Game Sale at Imperial Outpost in Glendale, Arizona   3 comments

It was his party.

It was his party. Darren Johnson, the man in charge.


On Saturday morning around 11 a.m. I packed up a bunch of Tunnels & Trolls stuff and some Shadowrun stuff and went to Imperial Outpost game store on 49th Avenue and Thunderbird. A big game swap meet was planned for that location and time. Actually, it started at 10, but I didn’t get going that fast, and I should have. Earlier might have been better.

There were a lot of people at the Imperial Outpost–probably the greatest gamers in the western part of the city. I only know a couple of them by name.  I got a table. I set up my merchandise. I took some pictures. Here they are.

The stuff I wanted to sell.

The stuff I wanted to sell.


2014-08-08 23.45.15

Jason Youngdale, just about the only friend I had in the place.

Jason Youngdale, just about the only friend I had in the place.

2014-08-08 23.46.24 2014-08-08 23.46.33 2014-08-08 23.46.49 2014-08-08 23.47.02 2014-08-08 23.47.22 2014-08-08 23.47.36 2014-08-09 00.02.50 2014-08-09 00.04.08


However, there was minimal interest in my merchandise, and I didn’t sell a thing in about 2 hours.  It would have been much more fun just to go as a customer. Sometimes the magic works; sometimes it doesn’t.

I took this selfie just to prove I was really there.

I took this selfie just to prove I was really there.


A lot of people had a good time at this sale. Darren says he’ll do it again next January. I think he’s missing a bet, and should do it once a month. He’s charging a small fee for table space, and getting a lot of people into his game store–win/win.


If you like to go to swap meets, or ever picked up games on the cheap, why not leave a comment?
