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The Pegasus Letters   6 comments

There was a time back in the 80s when I thought I had found an excellent place to put some of my writing–Judges Guild was doing their own variety gaming magazine called Pegasus. I liked it a lot, and I tried submitting to it. I did get a couple of things published in it–find them if you can.

Going through my old papers and documents, I found this material. I thought it might interest some people to see it, and so I have scanned it, and am putting it here.

Letters from the editor at Pegasus Magazine came in envelopes that looked like this.

I have found 3 letters from Pegasus that came within a two month period in 1982. I’ve forgotten the details, but the letters give a snapshot of my activity at the time, and some of my hopes and dreams as a writer back then when the would was young.

Murder at the Ruptured Troll was first published in Pegasus Magazine. I have tried to get it republished in other places. My best rejection letter came from Jane Yolen. It made her laugh, but I don’t think she quite understood the Tunnels & Trolls world being portrayed, as it didn’t make the cut for her anthology.

I had my own unique stationery at the time. Ernest Hogan drew this logo for me. He was always great with tentacles!

As you can see, I was setting myself up to be a continuing contributor.

And that’s all I have left from my involvement with Pegasus. Why did I stop writing for them? Did I lose interest? Did they reject something and turn me away? I don’t remember. I vaguely remember being quite proud of my 2 contributions to Imperial Pegasus Magazine, and also very pleased to see some other T & T related items published there once in a while. I do know that I didn’t try as hard as I should have to write for the gaming mags back then, and I’m kind of sorry now. I could have done a lot more, but . . .

If you ever wrote articles for Imperial Pegasus, or any other gaming magazine, or even if you just read them once in a while, please leave a comment.
